PixelHub Logo

Welcome to Pixelhub

About Me

What is PixelHub? - PixelHub is a graphic design service that offers limited free graphic design services. PixelHub is run by one person at the moment named oxy.

Qualifications - I have been doing graphic design for around 6 years and I am a certified Adobe Illustrator. I am also well-versed with Adobe products such as Photoshop, Premiere Pro, and Illustrator.

Why Free?- I would like to improve my skills by offering free graphic design services to small bussinesses while also adding to my portfolio. Requests will be reviewed, and acceptance or denial will be based on that review. You will receive a full logo and updates for up to 2 months. If you wish to customize the logo further (after the 2 month update window) or make updates, you can purchase my extended assistance for 1 year of updates for $20. You can optionally acquire the .ai file for $50 and make your own changes.



This section contains miscellaneous information, including endorsed businesses and available graphic design work.

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